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The Beginning


Well, hello there. This is the first ever post of the Sneaky Swede and I have to say that I am nervous, but I guess I should´nt be. This past year has been so rough for so many of us, some of us have lost loved ones, some of us have been struck with the lightning of mental...

I remember I sat up together with my father on election day 2016, and I remember that I thought that the election was over, that Hillary Clinton had won. Due to the difference in time I went to bed happy for the world, I imagined the first ever female president of the worlds most influential country. When I woke up...

The Sneaky Swede

The swede is a commentator and an everyday human walking this earth with a swedish passport. The swede is interested in everything from the arts, food (yummy), politics and the latest events of the world. This blog was made for sharing the thoughts and feelings of a simple swede and her everyday life. You can read this if you want to, but I won´t make you.

The Beginning


Well, hello there. This is the first ever post of the Sneaky Swede and I have to say that I am nervous, but I guess I should´nt be. This past year has been so rough for so many of us, some of us have lost loved ones, some of us have been struck with the lightning of mental...

I remember I sat up together with my father on election day 2016, and I remember that I thought that the election was over, that Hillary Clinton had won. Due to the difference in time I went to bed happy for the world, I imagined the first ever female president of the worlds most influential country. When I woke up...

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About the swede

I am just a swede living my swedish life, sharing my thoughts and opinions on the internet.

As a swede, I have the privilege of many things, like healthcare, democratic elections and so on. The swede likes to comment on current events around the world, but I also just likes the simple everyday things.


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If you have any questions or want to suggest an article or video, you are welcome to leave a comment, share your ideas or just say hello.

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