The Beginning


A New Start

Well, hello there. This is the first ever post of the Sneaky Swede and I have to say that I am nervous, but I guess I should´nt be. This past year has been so rough for so many of us, some of us have lost loved ones, some of us have been struck with the lightning of mental illness, and all of us is just sick and tired of this f*cking pandemic. Let´s just hope that this year will be better.

Sweden During the Pandemic

As many of you may know, Sweden has met this pandemic with a different approach than the rest of the world, many of you might think we are stupid, and some of you might think Sweden is the place to be right now. Personally, I like the freedom I have even though all the "fun" stuff in the society are closed, but you need to have in mind that I am a otherwise healthy young student that likely would not be affected by the virus. I do think a lockdown would have been the best for Sweden, especially in the beginning since the capitol, Stockholm, was the epicentrum for Covid-19. The "stockholmare" (the residents) chose to travel, against the advice of the authorities, to the northern parts of Sweden, and therefore also spread the virus. That´s why we do not stan stockholmare.

Even though a lockdown would be good for decreasing the spread of the virus, that has not been possible since we have a fundamental law against reducing the freedom of the people. So I do think the media has shown an inaccurate picture of Sweden and how we deal with the virus. All I can say is that we have done our best, cause no one want people to die.

I have to sat that I am sooooo fricking excited for the vaccin, I do think it will be the savior of 2021, but I am afraid of the virus beginning to mutate. Well, we have seen new mutations from Britain and South Africa, and I think it is only a matter of time before it will mutate and evolve again, and we better hope that the vaccin still will be able to prevent infection. I guess we will just need to wait and see.

Things I Look Forward to in 2021

  • Well, nothing really. Not being sad?
  • A new season of my favourite TV-show based on the british show Taskmaster, It is called "Bäst i test".
  • Maybe having a normal summer?
  • As everyone else´s new years resolution, lose weight? (will not happen).

I guess the only thing now I really look forward to is to leave 2020 behind me and look forward toward a new year. I will document my thoughts and feelings on this blog, and if you want to you can tag along.

2021, here we come.

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