The End of the Trump


The End of an Era

I remember I sat up together with my father on election day 2016, and I remember that I thought that the election was over, that Hillary Clinton had won. Due to the difference in time I went to bed happy for the world, I imagined the first ever female president of the worlds most influential country. When I woke up the next day my dad broke the news to me and I could not believe it. It felt like the whole country could not believe what had happened. At school my society teacher spoke to us about it and it was like the whole classroom was in chock, how could the great nation of the United States elect such a bad man, with scandals and outrage behind every corner? This was the day my interest in foreign politics began.

For these past 4 years I feel like Trump has shown an already broken country and made clear that it is far from perfect, but he has not only shown what was already at fault, he has also changed the whole political field. His lies became "alternative facts" and the truths became "fake news", and this scared me. As a european we have seen this before, we have seen what the far right can do and what fact resistant people can be manipulated to do. As Trump grew in popularity in the U.S. the far right in other countries grew as well. For example, in Sweden we have the "Swedish Democrats" and a more radical group called "an Alternative for Sweden" which are far right groups that openly supported the president. They have grown at an alarming rate, and Sweden is not alone.

These past weeks have really shown what happens when the lies people are told meets reality, the storming of the U.S capitol and the events that followed. I was stunned to see what went down in the U.S after a fair election. For me, the most scary part was not what an angry manipulated mob did, for me, the scary thing was that high rated republicans, officials, new what they were doing. They knew the election was not rigged, they knew that the election was fair, and still they chose to invalidate it just for the political gain. They knew that they could not throw a fair election, just because they did not like the results, but they did anyway. That is corruption, that is treason, and before the U.S can heal, the guilty needs to be prosecuted and be removed from power. Otherwise this will not come to an end, the next election will be the same, officials not being satisfied with the result and therefore trying to take the power with force.

Another unbelievable thing was that white supremacists could walk into the capitol, many of them planing to capture and assasinate government officials. THEY COULD JUST WALK IN. A black woman can not sleep in her own bed without being murdered by police, but white people planning to assassinate the leaders of their country is fine? This is scary, this is what happens in third world countries, not in the U.S? My father once told me that the United States was the world's richest third world country, and now it is clear that it is true. This is beyond disgusting and it is clear to see that the U.S needs to change, they need to grow up.

What the Future Holds

Yesterday was the day I have been waiting for in the past 4 years. It feels like every european has held their breath ever since that man-child sat his foot in the white house, but now the day has come. And what a day, the amazing Joe Biden taking the torch together with the first ever woman VP, Kamala Harris. And it doesn't even end there, the cabinet he chose is more diverse than ever, and it makes me, and the whole world, happy and hopeful for the future. Sure, he is far from perfect, but at least he is not a white supremacist, he is not an outspoken racist, he is not against women´s rights, he is not TRUMP.

Biden has a lot of things to do now that he has taken office, he needs to unify a country that is divided. Even if the U.S has its differences when it comes to its politics, I do actually believe that they can be united. There is a saying in Sweden that I think you maybe would need to hear; "The taste is like a butt, split." (smaken är som baken, delad).

To celebrate this day I bought the most swedish pastry there is, a semla. It is a cardamom bun with sugary almond paste and cream. It is my favourite baked goods in the whole whole world! I LOVE SEMLOR! 

 With that I leave you for this time, hold on and hold tight friends and enemies, cause this will be a bumpy ride. 

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